No time? No problem... We provide expert level Laravel development and consulting. We also help customers scaling their projects. If you think we could fit together, drop us a message or give us a call. We are here to help.

Grants Pass, Oregon, U.S.A.
(+1) 541 592 9181


Expert Level Laravel Web Development & Consulting Agency

We love Laravel, and so should you. Let us show you why.

Find out about Laravel

About Us

About Us

Founded in 2014, Black Bits helps customers to reach their goals and to expand their market positions. We work with a wide range of companies, from startups that have a vision and first funding to get to market faster, to big industry leaders that want to profit from modern technologies. If you want to start on your project without building an internal dev-team first, or if you need extra expertise or resources, Black Bits - the Laravel Web Development Agency is here to help.


Laravel is one of the most popular PHP Frameworks. Perfect for Sites and API's of all sizes. Clean, fast and reliable.


Lumen is the perfect solution for building Laravel based micro-services and blazing fast APIs.


Live-Updating Dashboards, Components and Reactivity. Your project needs a modern user-interface? Vue.js is the right choice.


Live-Updating Dashboards, Components and Reactivity. Your project needs a modern user-interface? React is the right choice.


Bootstrap is the second most-starred project on GitHub and the leading framework for designing modern front-ends.


Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) leads the worldwide cloud computing market. With a wide range of services, AWS is a perfect option for fast development.

Digital Ocean

Leave complex pricing structures behind. Always know what you'll pay per month. Service customers around the world from eight different locations.

Contact Us

Contact Us

You have the vision, we have the development expertise. We would love to hear about your project.

Send us a message or give us a call and see how Black Bits can help you!

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